The First Principles of Learning and How Much Can We Learn
The foundational principles that inform the science of learning
The foundational principles that inform the science of learning
Here we explore creativity, its role in learning, and how it too can be learned.
How cognitive load can get in the way of learning, and how to harness it for your own good.
The brain is an incredible - and incredibly complex - organ. This tile gives an overview of the different parts of the brain and how they store memory, and the role that the brain’s reward circuitry has to play in learning.
Never before has there been more information available at everyone’s fingertips.
How the world’s greatest minds use techniques to perform incredible feats of memory – and how understanding these techniques can impact your own learning.
Researchers and educators have long been puzzled by the issue of motivation. This tile reveals some of the key motivators in learning.
A guide to understanding what makes a learning strategy effective or bad.
Learn about some of the common myths associated with learning and why they don’t hold up.
In this tile, we’ll explore the relationship between learning and memory and introduce you to memory systems, processes, and pathways.
Learn about visual memory, visual discrimination, and perceptual learning – and what having a ‘good eye’ really means.
This tile introduces the concept of social learning. Discover how informal learning, storytelling and community can be powerful drivers of learning.