Dinosaur Eggs and Nests

8 min read

How dinosaurs cultivated their eggs.

CAT scans
Modern birds
One of the oldest discovered
Good mother lizard
r- and K-strategies

Egg Structure

The structure of dinosaur eggs offers a fascinating glimpse into the development of these fascinating creatures. Varying in shape and size, many of these eggs are composed primarily of calcium carbonate, much like those of modern birds.

One intriguing example is the elongated, football-shaped eggs laid by Oviraptors. These distinctive structures allowed for efficient packing within nests while providing ample surface area for gas exchange during incubation. In contrast, many sauropods laid spherical eggs with relatively porous shells.


Through comparisons between fossilized dinosaur eggs and those of contemporary species, we can make inferences about their three major membranes: the shell itself, an outer membrane called the chorion, and an inner membrane known as the amnion.

Dinosaur eggs are very difficult to identify to the species level, unless they contain embryos, or other dinosaur remains are found in close proximity. Instead, fossilized dinosaur eggs are often classified into oogenera – groups of similar eggs. One such oogenus is Macroolithus, comprised of spherical eggs with thick shells.

Studying egg structure provides valuable insights into how different types of dinosaurs reproduced and cared for their young – essential pieces to understanding their broader ecology within Mesozoic ecosystems.

Egg Fossils

Egg fossils offer a unique window into the lives of dinosaurs. The first documented discovery occurred in 1859 when Jean-Jacques Poech, a priest and amateur naturalist, stumbled upon these ancient remnants – although he didn’t realize at the time that he had discovered dinosaur eggs.


Various methods have been employed to study dinosaur egg fossils, revealing fascinating details about their structure and composition. Eggshells can be sliced into thin sections and examined under microscopes. To look inside dinosaur eggs, scientists can use CAT scans or use acid to dissolve outer layers. Eggs may contain embryos and much information can be learned from fossil sites where eggs are discovered.

For instance, researchers examining fossilized eggs from Argentina found that they belonged to titanosaur sauropods – massive long-necked herbivores. These eggs were spherical and measured up to 30 centimeters in diameter.

In another example, paleontologists uncovered a nesting site containing fifteen nests of small theropod eggs in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. This extraordinary find suggests that some carnivorous dinosaurs may have exhibited communal nesting behaviors similar to modern birds.


Fossilized dinosaur embryos are a rare and precious glimpse into the earliest stages of these ancient creatures’ lives. One remarkable example is Baby Yingliang. This embryo was discovered in an egg in Ganzhou, southern China. The position of this embryo in the egg indicates that they took on a tucked posture before hatching. This tucking behavior is similar to modern birds, suggesting possible shared developmental patterns.

Dinosaur embryos varied greatly among species, as did their eggs. Dinosaur embryos may also differ significantly from their adult counterparts. For example, a tiny fossilized embryo skull thought to belong to the sauropod Tapuiasaurus was found to have a horn on its skull and forward facing eyes. These features are in contrast to the adults that have been discovered, and could be adaptations to aid the survival of the young sauropods. Some have speculated that the horn on the skull of the embryo may have been used to break out of the egg during hatching.

These extraordinary discoveries offer invaluable insights into the growth and maturation processes of dinosaurs before they hatched from their eggs.

Nesting Sites

Nesting sites can help to reveal the reproductive strategies and social behaviors of dinosaurs. Significant discoveries include a 190-million-year-old Massospondylus nesting site in South Africa and a titanosaur nest site in central India, dating back to the Late Cretaceous period.

The South African site is one of the oldest discovered and contained numerous well-preserved nests with eggs. It offered insights into how these early sauropodomorphs cared for their young. The Indian location, on the other hand, is estimated to be around 66 million years old. One of the largest collection of dinosaur eggs ever discovered, it boasted an impressive collection of 92 preserved nests, containing 256 eggs altogether. The eggs appear to belong to 6 different species of titanosaur – massive long-necked herbivores.


These findings provide tangible evidence of dinosaur parenting techniques and communal nesting habits. By studying such sites, we can piece together a more comprehensive understanding of these ancient creatures’ daily lives within their respective ecosystems.

Parental Care

Parental care in dinosaurs may have been crucial for the survival of some species, providing nourishment and protection to their young. One exemplary dinosaur mother was Maiasaura, a Late Cretaceous herbivore known for its attentive parenting – the name Maiasaura means ‘good mother lizard’.

Maiasaura nested in colonies, where they are thought to have diligently cared for their hatchlings by bringing food to the nest. Fossil evidence suggests that these nurturing giants even allowed their offspring to remain within the safety of the colony until they were old enough to fend for themselves.

Brooding and egg arrangement also played significant roles in safeguarding dinosaur eggs. Some theropods would carefully arrange their eggs in circular patterns, ensuring optimal temperature regulation during incubation. This meticulous attention to detail highlights how crucial parental care strategies were to reproductive success for some dinosaur species throughout the Mesozoic Era.

Egg Predators

Egg predators posed a significant threat to dinosaur reproduction, with survival rates of eggs typically as low as 10-20%. A diverse array of creatures feasted on these vulnerable morsels, including fellow dinosaurs, opportunistic mammals, and cunning reptiles.

For instance, the dinosaur Qiupanykus zhangi was part of a group known as the asalvarezsauridae. These dinosaurs had highly specialised, stocky arms and a powerful single claw – perfect adaptations for locating and consuming defenseless eggs. Egg fragments around fossilized remains suggest these dinosaurs may have been egg-eaters. However, not all presumed egg thieves were as guilty as once thought; oviraptors may have been misunderstood caretakers rather than ruthless plunderers. Recent discoveries suggest that though fossils were found near eggs, they were more likely brooding their own eggs instead of preying upon others.

To counteract such predation pressures, dinosaurs employed various strategies like communal nesting. By gathering in large groups and laying their eggs together in shared nests or colonies, they created an effective deterrent against would-be marauders. This collective approach provided strength in numbers while also ensuring that at least some offspring had a fighting chance at survival amidst the danger from hungry predators lurking nearby.

Reproductive Strategies

Dinosaur reproduction has long been an enigmatic topic, as soft tissue is not easily preserved. However, a fossilized psittacosaurus specimen revealed that dinosaurs had cloacas – a multipurpose orifice seen in animals such as birds and reptiles today. Cloacas are used in both waste excretion and reproduction. Dinosaur reproduction may have involved lining up two cloacas in a ‘cloacal kiss’, a strategy used by many birds. Alternatively, it is possible that reproduction involved both a cloaca and a penis.

Reproductive strategies in the animal kingdom can be broadly categorized into r- and K-strategies. Rodents, for instance, exemplify r-strategists with their rapid reproduction rates and large litter sizes. In contrast, blue whales demonstrate a K-strategy by investing heavily in fewer offspring that require extensive parental care.


Brachiosaurus may have employed an intermediary approach, combining elements of both r- and K-reproduction strategies. This could involve producing numerous eggs while also providing some level of parental care to ensure offspring survival. R-strategist tactics offer advantages in adapting to changing environments and exploiting new conditions; this flexibility would have been beneficial for dinosaurs navigating the dynamic landscapes of the Mesozoic Era.

Egg Evolution

Egg evolution in dinosaurs reveals fascinating adaptations to their ever-changing world. Soft-shelled eggs, found in species like Protoceratops and Mussaurus, were the early norm for these prehistoric creatures. These soft-shelled eggs may have been buried to protect them from the harsh and variable conditions of the outside world.


Despite these tactics, soft-shelled eggs posed challenges due to their delicate nature. To overcome this vulnerability, hard-shelled eggs evolved independently in three dinosaur lineages. This adaptation provided increased protection against environmental hazards and predators alike.

For instance, the tough outer layer of calcium carbonate allowed hard-shelled eggs to withstand greater pressure without breaking. Additionally, this sturdier structure might have enabled parents to brood – to sit on their eggs to incubate them – for protection and temperature regulation.

The complex history of egg evolution demonstrates how dinosaurs adapted over time to improve reproductive success and ensure the survival of future generations.

Modern Comparisons

Modern comparisons of dinosaur eggs and nests to those of contemporary animals, such as turtles, snakes, and birds, provide valuable insights into the reproductive strategies employed by these prehistoric creatures. Soft-shell eggs are still found in reptiles like turtles and snakes today, offering a glimpse into the early stages of dinosaur egg evolution.


Hard-shell eggs have become synonymous with birds, which are considered living descendants of dinosaurs. This adaptation highlights how certain lineages developed more robust defenses for their offspring over time. By examining buried nests used by some reptiles and open nests utilized by many bird species, we can better understand the diverse nesting behaviors exhibited by dinosaurs.

One intriguing aspect is embryo tucking within bird eggs – a behavior also observed in fossilized dinosaur embryos such as Baby Yingliang. These modern comparisons not only enrich our knowledge about dinosaur reproduction but also emphasize the remarkable continuity between past and present life forms.

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