The Skin Variations Based on Gender And Season

Learn about the differences in the skin of females and males. The tile will also help you understand how your skin changes with the season.

About 15 years

Do men and women have the same skin?

From a distance, men’s and women’s skin looks quite similar. But, if you have ever observed close-up photos, you would easily recognize the apparent differences between the two.

The reason for this striking difference between the two sexes is their **testosterone and estrogen levels**. Testosterone is higher in males and lower in females. It’s a male sex hormone that gives a tougher skin texture to males. **Higher testosterone makes men’s skin hairy and oilier than women’s**.


Estrogen is a female sex hormone that is higher in females than males It gives feminine features, including soft skin with little hair. **A higher estrogen level in females also helps delay skin aging, preventing collagen damage**.

As a result of the difference between these 2 hormones, men’s and women’s skin have a few differences in thickness, oiliness, and aging.

Men have thicker skin

The basic skin structure in men and women is the same. **There are 3 skin layers in both genders**. But in men, the dermis (the middle layer), is **20-25% thicker than in women**. The reason for the thicker skin is higher testosterone levels in men.

Due to this, **males have more collagen**, which makes their skin firmer and tighter. This also helps them avoid wrinkles, which are statistically more prominent in women’s thinner skin.

The collagen reduces with age in both genders, but the rate at which it reduces is constant in males. In females, the reduction of collagen occurs dramatically after menopause – meaning that there is far less consistency .

But, there is a little downside. **Thicker skin can accumulate more toxins from the environment**. To avoid these toxins from damaging the skin, men should massage their skin frequently during cleansing. This fastens the blood circulation and pushes the toxins away.

Men have oilier skin than women

**Higher testosterone increases the skin’s acidity and increases the pore size and oil glands’ activity**. As a result, **men have a more acidic skin than women**, which makes their skin open to germs and inflammation.

Similarly, **the higher activity of the oil glands produces more oil than a female’s skin**. The excess oil and germs can build up in bigger skin pores more quickly and block them over time. This triggers inflammation, causing acne and breakouts.

But, with careful skincare, men can avoid these breakouts. So, the first step of their skincare regimen involves washing their face twice daily with an oil control cleanser.

This will remove the impurities and prevent the germs from building up. Oil control cleansers can balance the higher acidity, making the skin barrier strong against impurities .

**While adult females might have dry skin, adult males don’t because of their oiliness**.

Males’ skin is more sensitive to the sun

Another difference between female and male skin is the **number of antioxidants**. A male’s skin has fewer antioxidants than a woman’s.

**Antioxidants are your skin’s defender against the build-up of unstable oxygen molecules which can damage the skin**. One source of these unstable molecules is the sun’s UV rays. The skin’s ability to fight these oxygen molecules becomes difficult with lower antioxidants.


These molecules can hoard in the skin, weakening the skin barrier and increasing the chances of skin cancer. Research suggests that men have more chances of skin cancer than women due to the fact that they tend to have fewer antioxidants .

This makes the use of sunscreen and skin serum an extreme necessity. While the sunscreen is sunproof, the skin serum can provide the necessary antioxidants to the skin.

Males’ skin ages slower than females’

**Skin aging depends on the amount of collagen in the skin**. Since men’s and women’s skin differ in this amount, the aging process is different for both. A greater amount of collagen keeps the skin firm and young for long periods. And since men’s skin has more collagen, their skin ages slower than women’s.


**Dermatologists claim that women’s skin is about 15 years older than men’s skin of the same age**. A man of 40 might have no wrinkles, but a woman of 40 has many wrinkles and fine lines.

**The lower amount of collagen makes women’s skin age faster, lose elasticity and become saggier**. Women usually have more chances of experiencing premature aging. But, with a suitable anti-aging cream, women can also enjoy young skin in their 40s.

Skincare for seasons

Regardless of gender, **your skin changes throughout the year, depending on the season**. The environment’s temperature and humidity levels alter the skin’s appearance. This requires you to switch your skincare regimen to survive both high and low temperatures so you can have radiant skin all year round.


**Summers are hot with high humidity levels, causing your skin to release sweat to keep the temperature of your body normal**. The release of sweat changes the skin’s texture drastically. Summers are followed by autumn, which means a drop in temperature.

While you get excited to wear your warmer clothes, it’s also essential to look at your skin changes and choose the skincare products that your skin demands. With a further drop in temperature during winter, your skin can become extremely dry and cracky .

Then, as the temperature increases during spring, your skin regains the moisture levels that help it stay hydrated.

Skincare in summer

**Heat and humidity usually rise during summer**, which makes your oil glands release more oil. The oiliness gives the skin a shiny and dewy complexion. But, not everything about this oil is good. The production of excess oil, along with the outside pollution, can congest your skin pores, **resulting in breakouts and blackheads**.


You can avoid pores congestion by washing your facial skin at least 3 times a day; washing removes the germs and dust from the skin. It is also important to not wear heavy makeup during the day as it can also cause congestion leading to pore blockage.

The same goes for moisturizers. You can opt for lightweight moisturizers and a matte sunscreen that doesn’t block your skin pores. As for skin serums, they can be your best friend during summer. Because they are water-based, they can keep the skin hydrated.

Skincare during winter

**As the temperature drops dramatically during the winter, it can scratch the moisture off your skin, leaving it dry**. The use of heaters and hot showers further reduce the water from the skin, making it dehydrated and cracky .

**Dehydrated skin makes the skin barrier inefficient in resisting germs, leading to inflammation and acne**. Therefore, winter skin requires moisturizers rich in occlusives.


These are moisturizing chemicals that form a thicker layer on the skin to lock the moisture in. Beeswax, petroleum jelly and shea butter are a few commonly used occlusives to create creamy-thick consistency.

Do not forget sunscreen of at least 30 SPF during the winters. Sunbathing is a common activity during winter, and the sunlight gives a cozy feeling, but, with no sunscreen, the same sunlight can wreak havoc on the skin.

Skincare in spring

**Entering the spring requires you to exfoliate your skin and remove the dust and dullness of winter**. Although the skin’s regeneration process lasts 365 days, the harsh temperature and cold winter breeze can slow the skin’s regeneration.

That’s why exfoliating is your first skincare step in the spring. **Exfoliation will remove the dead cells from the skin, and bringing the younger skin cells to the surface will make your skin look more youthful**.


Spring is also a time to switch your occlusive moisturizer to one rich in emulsifiers such as mustard, egg and stearic acid. **Emulsifiers are the molecules that help the water and oil to mix and form a water-based lightweight moisturizer**.

Occlusive moisturizers can leave a greasy layer on the skin that does not feel good and activates the oil glands to produce more oil. So, choose a lighter, breathable moisturizer to help you stay hydrated and keep your skin plump.

Skincare in autumn

**Autumn prepares you and your skin for the winter**. In autumn, the temperature gets lower with each passing day, and you might want to laze on the couch all day. But being lazy can put your skin at the risk of dehydration and cracks.

Start your skincare with exfoliation to remove dead cells and help your skin rejuvenate. Follow up with a hydrating moisturizer. **This will require you to use a moisturizer rich in humectant that can absorb moisture from the air and keep the skin fresh**.


Autumn can also be the best time to invest in facial oils. Active ingredients in oils are fatty acids and vitamins. They are rich in antioxidants and emollients that nourish the skin barrier to address itchiness and dryness.

Seasonal changes can also make your hands dry, so use hand cream to keep up the water content. Avoid any product that contains drying alcohol, as this can strip the moisture.

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