The Fall of Rome

How the world’s greatest empire met its decline and fall.

Antonine Plague of 165-180 CE
Divisions and structural changes
Eastern Roman Empire
Central Asia
King Alaric
476 CE

Economic Decline

The gradual economic decline of late Rome was a complex and multifaceted issue.

The empire’s reliance on slave labor created a fragile economy, as the supply of slaves dwindled and the cost of maintaining them increased. The Roman elite’s penchant for lavish displays of wealth and power led to overspending on grandiose public works and extravagant personal luxuries. This, in turn, contributed to inflation, as the government debased the currency to fund its excesses.


Inequality was another factor. The wealthy patrician class controlled vast estates and resources, while the majority of the population lived in poverty. This disparity led to a decrease in consumer spending, as the lower classes struggled to afford even basic necessities. Additionally, high unemployment rates, particularly among the urban poor, further exacerbated the economic crisis.

The sheer scale of the empire, combined with its diverse population and varying regional economies, made it difficult to implement effective economic policies. Climate deterioration and pandemics also weakened the empire and its economy; some scholars see the Antonine Plague of 165-180 CE as the beginning of the end of the Roman empire.

Military Decline

The decline of the Roman military was a critical factor in the fall of the empire. A lack of discipline, resources, and strategic planning gradually contributed to the weakening of Rome’s once-mighty military machine.

The army went through many structural changes and divisions in the 3rd and 4th centuries as the empire was divided into the Tetrarchy and East and West, weakening its integrity overall.


The Roman legions, once the envy of the ancient world, became increasingly disorganized, ineffective, decentralized, and in some cases corrupt. The army was increasingly reliant on foreign mercenaries and barbarians from outside the empire; soldiers were more loyal to their commanders than to the state.

The Roman empire’s overexpansion, from Britain to the Middle East, also made it difficult to defend against external threats. Its sheer size also strained its resources, as maintaining a standing army and infrastructure became increasingly expensive.

The rise of powerful external enemies, such as the Huns and the Visigoths, also contributed to the weakening of Rome’s military might. These formidable foes exploited Rome’s vulnerabilities and hastened its decline.

Political Instability

Political instability plagued the later years of the Roman empire, as frequent changes in leadership and civil wars undermined the stability of the state.

The size and divisions of the empire made it difficult to govern effectively, leading to power struggles and factionalism among the ruling elite. This constant turmoil weakened the central authority and made it difficult for the empire to address its many challenges.


There were many claimants to the title of emperor, and many men held the role in quick succession. In the Year of the Four Emperors (69 CE) and the Year of the Five Emperors (193 CE), for example, four and then five different men claimed the title of emperor in quick succession. These periods of chaos and infighting further eroded the empire’s stability and paved the way for more civil wars and power struggles in the years to come.

Rome’s political instability was not only a result of internal factors but also external pressures. Increasing threats of invasion and conflict with neighboring powers exacerbated the unrest.

The Division of the Empire

The division of the Roman Empire into East and West by Emperor Diocletian in 285 CE was an attempt to address the empire’s growing administrative and military challenges. However, this division ultimately weakened the overall strength of Rome, as resources and power were split between the two halves.


The Eastern Roman Empire, with its capital in Constantinople, became the wealthier and more stable of the two, while the Western Roman Empire, centered in Rome, struggled with economic decline and military threats. This division of power and resources made it difficult for the empire to respond effectively to external threats and internal crises.

The two halves of the empire would occasionally reunite under a single ruler, only to be divided again later. This constant shifting of power and resources further weakened the empire and contributed to its eventual collapse.

The Huns

The Huns were a nomadic people who originated in Central Asia and migrated westward, invading Roman territories and causing further instability. Under their fearsome leader, Attila the Hun, they terrorized the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE, sacking cities and forcing the Romans to pay tribute.


The Huns’ relentless invasions and pressure on the Roman Empire’s borders contributed to the weakening of Rome’s military and political structures. The empire was forced to divert resources and manpower to defend itself against the Huns, further straining its already fragile economy and infrastructure.

The Huns’ impact on the Roman Empire was not solely military. Their invasions also caused large-scale population displacement, as people fled their homes to escape the Huns’ wrath. This mass migration further destabilized the empire.

The Sack of Rome

The Sack of Rome by the Visigoths in 410 CE marked a turning point in Rome’s decline, as it shattered the myth of the eternal city’s invincibility, although Rome was no longer the capital of the Western Roman Empire.

Rome had not been sacked since 390 BCE, when the Gauls ravaged the heart of the Republic. It was the first time in nearly 800 years that Rome had fallen to an enemy. This shocking event signaled the beginning of the end for the once-mighty Roman Empire.

The Visigoths were a Germanic people who lived under the late Roman Empire. Led by their king, Alaric, the Visigoths besieged and eventually breached the walls of Rome, looting and pillaging the city for three days.


The psychological impact of the sack was immense, as it demonstrated that even Rome, the heart of the empire, was vulnerable to attack. This event further weakened the morale of the Roman people and contributed to the empire’s decline. Rome was then sacked again by the Vandals in 455 CE.

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire

The fall of the Western Roman Empire arguably occurred in 476 CE when the last emperor, the teenaged Romulus Augustulus, was overthrown by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer. This event is widely seen as marking the end of the Western Roman Empire and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe.


However, many aspects of Roman life continued under the rule of Odoacer and the Gothic ruler Theoderic who overthrew him in 493 CE. In fact, Odoacer and Theoderic continued to rule in a similar manner to the Roman emperors who preceded them.

The true cause of the fall of the Western Empire may have been increasing East-West tensions and deteriorating relations with Constantinople in this period. The Eastern Empire would eventually attack Italy in 535 CE.

The Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in the East. Centered in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire and continued to thrive for nearly a thousand years.

The Byzantine Empire preserved many aspects of Roman culture, including its legal system, architecture, and artistic traditions. It also served as a bastion of Christianity in the East, playing a crucial role in the spread of the religion throughout the region.


The Byzantine Empire was a melting pot of cultures, as it encompassed a diverse range of peoples and traditions from the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and beyond. This cultural diversity contributed to the empire’s longevity and its unique character, which set it apart from its Western counterpart.

The Legacy of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire continues to influence modern culture in many ways, especially through its language, law, architecture, and government systems.

Latin, the language of the Romans, remained a ‘universal’ and scholarly language across Europe and much of the world for hundreds of years. It is the basis for many modern languages, including English, French, and Spanish.

Roman law also forms the foundation of many contemporary legal systems. The Roman Empire’s system of government, with its emphasis on checks and balances and the separation of powers, has also influenced modern political systems, including the United States Constitution.


Roman architecture, with its iconic arches, domes, and columns, has inspired countless buildings and monuments throughout history, from the U.S. Capitol to St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Roman literature, philosophy, and art have become cornerstones of Western culture, inspiring countless later imitations and responses.

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