Roman Society

How Roman society structured itself.

The Pantheon
Lunar calendar
The Campus

The Roman Class System

The Roman class system was a complex hierarchy based on wealth, power, and family lineage.

At the top of the social pyramid were the patricians, the aristocratic class who held the majority of political power and wealth. They were followed by the equestrians, a class of wealthy businessmen and landowners who were influential in commerce and the military.

The plebeians, the common people, made up the majority of the population and were often involved in trade, agriculture, and manual labor. Below these categories of Roman citizen were the slaves who were considered property under Roman law.


This class system was not entirely rigid, as individuals could move up or down the social ladder through marriage, adoption, or the acquisition of wealth. However, such social mobility was relatively rare.

The class system also spread to the provinces. This allowed Rome to maintain control over its vast empire, as the local elites served as intermediaries between the Roman government and the provincial populations.

The Roman Family

The family was the cornerstone of ancient Roman society. It was a tightly-knit unit, with the *paterfamilias*, or male head of the household, holding absolute authority over his wife, children, and slaves.

The *paterfamilias* was responsible for the well-being of his family, including their financial stability, education, and moral upbringing. He also had the power to arrange marriages for his children, which were often used to forge alliances and consolidate wealth and power.


Roman women, who were subordinate to their husbands, managed the household and raised the children alongside any slaves in the *domus* (household). They were expected to be virtuous and loyal, and their primary duty was to produce legitimate heirs to continue the family line. Women from wealthy families often received an education and could own property, but their legal rights were limited.

Beyond the immediate household, extended families, or *gentes*, were groups of related families who shared a common ancestor and often held considerable political and social influence.

Roman Slavery

The Roman economy, class system, and family were reliant on slavery. Slaves were considered property and could be bought, sold, or inherited. They came from various sources, including prisoners of war, conquered peoples, and those born into slavery. Slaves performed a wide range of tasks, from agricultural labor and mining to domestic service and skilled craftsmanship.


The treatment of slaves varied greatly depending on their owners and the type of work they performed. Some slaves, particularly those in domestic service, were treated relatively well and could even become close confidants of their masters. However, many slaves endured harsh conditions, especially those working in mines or on large agricultural estates.

Despite their status as property, slaves in ancient Rome were not entirely without rights. They could earn money, purchase their freedom, or be granted manumission by their masters. Some slaves rose to positions of power and influence, such as the famous freedman Tiro, who became personal secretary to the Roman statesman Cicero.

The Roman Pantheon

The Pantheon was a group of the twelve most important gods to the religious beliefs and practices of the Roman people. They included Jupiter, the king of the gods; Juno, the queen of the gods and protector of women; Mars, the god of war; and Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.


The Roman Pantheon was heavily influenced by the Greek pantheon, with many Roman gods sharing similar attributes and functions with their Greek counterparts, often fused with local, ancient Italian deities. For example, Jupiter was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus; Mars, Ares. This blending of Greek and Roman religious traditions was a result of the close cultural contact between the two civilizations, particularly during the Hellenistic period.

The worship of the Roman gods was an important aspect of daily life in Rome. People offered prayers, sacrifices, and other forms of devotion to the gods to gain their favor and protection. The Roman Pantheon served as a unifying force in Roman society, as the worship of these gods was a common practice shared by people from all social classes and backgrounds.

Roman Temples

Roman Temples were grand structures that served as places of worship for the Roman gods. These temples were often built in prominent locations, such as the Roman Forum or on the Capitoline Hill, and were designed to inspire awe and reverence in those who visited them.

The architectural style of Roman temples was heavily influenced by Greek and Etruscan designs, featuring columns, pediments, and elaborate friezes.

One of the most famous Roman temples is the Pantheon in Rome, which was dedicated to all the gods of the Roman Pantheon. Built in the 2nd century CE, it is renowned for its massive dome and oculus, which allow natural light to flood the interior of the temple.

Another notable temple was the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the largest and most important temple in Rome on the Capitoline Hill.

Roman temples were not only places of worship but also served as centers of social, political, and economic activity. They often housed treasuries, where offerings to the gods were stored, and served as meeting places for religious and civic organizations.

The Roman Priesthood

Priests, known as *sacerdotes*, were drawn from the upper classes and held positions of prestige and influence in Roman society. They were responsible for maintaining the relationship between the gods and the Roman people, ensuring that the proper rituals and sacrifices were performed to appease the gods and maintain their favor.

There were several types of priests in Ancient Rome, each with their own specific duties and responsibilities. The Pontifex Maximus, for example, was the chief priest and oversaw all religious matters in the city. The Vestal Virgins, a group of six priestesses, were responsible for maintaining the sacred fire in the Temple of Vesta and were highly respected for their purity and devotion.


The Roman priesthood was closely intertwined with the political structure of Ancient Rome, as many priests also held political office. This connection between religion and politics served to reinforce the authority of the Roman state, as the priests were seen as intermediaries between the gods and the people, ensuring the divine favor necessary for the success and stability of the empire.

The Calendar and Roman Festivals

The Roman calendar was the basis for the modern calendar. Originally a lunar calendar, it was reformed by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE to create the Julian calendar, a solar calendar with 365 days and a leap year every four years. The calendar was divided into twelve months, each month having a specific religious and social significance.

Festivals, which punctuated the calendar, were a time of celebration and joy for the people of Rome. They allowed the population to come together in a shared sense of community and religious devotion.


One of the most important Roman festivals was the Saturnalia, a week-long celebration in honor of the god Saturn, which involved feasting, gift-giving, and the temporary suspension of social hierarchies. The Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to the god Faunus, which featured raucous processions and ritual sacrifices.

Roman festivals also served as important social and political occasions, providing an opportunity for the ruling class to demonstrate their generosity and secure the loyalty of the people through public feasts, games, and other forms of entertainment.

Roman Leisure and Entertainment

State-sponsored games, including gladiatorial battles and chariot racing in the Colosseum and Circus Maximus, entertained the Roman citizens. These events also served as a means of social control, as they allowed the ruling class to maintain the support of the populace by providing them with free entertainment and a sense of shared identity.

Roman young men exercised in the Campus, an open space in Rome where they could practice sports and military drills. This area was also used for public gatherings and celebrations, further emphasizing the connection between leisure and civic life in ancient Rome.


Elite Romans also went to resorts such as Baiae, a popular coastal destination known for its luxurious villas and thermal baths. These resorts provided a place for the upper classes to relax and enjoy themselves, while also serving as a symbol of their wealth and status. In this way, leisure and entertainment in ancient Rome were both a reflection of and a means of reinforcing the social hierarchy.

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