What is Ikigai? The Japanese Way of Finding Happiness in Living
This tile presents the basics of the philosophy of ikigai, from the term’s origin and history to its modern interpretation.
This tile presents the basics of the philosophy of ikigai, from the term’s origin and history to its modern interpretation.
This tile explores the common elements of ikigai, Mogi’s five pillars of ikigai, the seven needs to achieve ikigai as defined by Kamiya, and the difference between ikigai sources and perceptions.
This tile compares ikigai with similar concepts in Western culture, explores the interpretation of ikigai outside of Japan, and discovers common myths and misconceptions about ikigai.
Kodawari, or the pursuit of perfection, is tightly linked with the concept of ikigai. This tile explores how ikigai can benefit your work, improve your work-life balance, and help you find fulfillment in your career with job crafting.
This tile discusses the scientifically demonstrated link between ikigai and one’s well-being and how ikigai can benefit people throughout the course of their lives.
While ikigai is a form of happiness, it is a concept far more complex than that. In fact, ikigai is the way to happiness rather than the end goal. Through examples of how the Japanese pursue and maintain ikigai, it is hoped that you will find your own.