The Phoenician Economy and Trade

How this seafaring people built and maintained a powerful economy.

Olive oil production
Purple dye production
Weights and measures
A statue made from electrum

Phoenician Trade: Transforming the Mediterranean

The Phoenicians were the first to bring about a true transformation of the Mediterranean region through their commerce. They spread new technologies, crops and livestock that are now typical of the entire region.

For example, they introduced olive oil production to Spain and Italy, which is now an integral part of both countries’ cuisines. Similarly, they brought grapevines from Syria to Greece and Italy, allowing for wine production in those regions as well.

The Phoenicians also traded horses with Egypt and North Africa; these animals had previously been unknown in Europe but quickly became essential for transportation and warfare throughout the continent.

In addition to introducing new products into different parts of the Mediterranean basin, the Phoenicians also facilitated trade between distant lands by providing safe passage across dangerous waters.

Their ships carried goods such as spices from India or precious metals from Britain back to their home ports along the Levantine coast where merchants could then distribute them further afield.

This allowed for increased economic activity throughout Europe as goods moved more freely than ever before – something that would have been impossible without this pioneering maritime culture’s influence on trade routes around the world.

Phoenician Farming: Crops & Techniques

The Phoenicians were renowned for their agricultural prowess, with a wide variety of crops and livestock being cultivated in the region.


Commonly grown plants included wheat, barley, olives and grapes which were used to make breads, oils and wines respectively. They also kept sheep and goats for meat as well as bees for honey production.

In terms of techniques employed by the Phoenicians in agriculture, they developed an irrigation system that allowed them to grow crops even during dry seasons. This was done by diverting water from rivers or streams into canals that ran through fields where crops could be planted.

Additionally, they practiced crop rotation, which helped maintain soil fertility over time while preventing pests from becoming too numerous in any area. The use of manure as fertilizer was another important practice adopted by the Phoenicians, enabling them to produce higher yields than ever before.

Phoenician Craftsmanship

The Phoenicians were renowned for their industry, producing a variety of goods that were highly sought after by other cultures. Pottery was one of the most important industries in the region, with vessels and figurines being crafted from clay and decorated with intricate designs.

Metalworking was also an important craft, with bronze weapons such as swords and spears becoming increasingly popular throughout the Mediterranean. Ivory carving was another specialty of theirs; they created beautiful sculptures out of elephant tusks which could be found in many royal courts across Europe.

Purple dye production was another major industry for the Phoenicians; this process involved extracting a purple pigment from molluscs which could then be used to colour fabrics or even paint walls.

Shipbuilding was also an integral part of their economy; they developed advanced techniques for constructing ships that allowed them to travel further than ever before while carrying large amounts of cargo at once.

This enabled them to establish trading posts all over the Mediterranean basin and beyond, allowing them to become masters of trade and navigation in the ancient world.

Phoenician Trade: A Wealth of Goods

The Phoenicians were renowned for their trade goods, which included agricultural products such as wine and olive oil, fruit and grain, and precious metals. Wine was a particularly important commodity; it was produced in the Levant region from grapes grown on terraced hillsides or irrigated plains.


Olive oil was also highly sought after by other cultures due to its many uses in cooking, medicine and cosmetics. Fruit and grain were exported to distant lands where they could be used as food sources or traded for other goods.

Precious metals like gold, silver and bronze were also an integral part of the Phoenician economy; these materials were mined from local deposits or imported from foreign lands before being crafted into coins or jewelry that could be exchanged for goods or services.

The Phoenicians even developed a system of weights and measures so that merchants could accurately assess the value of different items when trading with one another. This allowed them to become masters of commerce throughout the Mediterranean basin while establishing an extensive network of trading posts along their routes.

Trading Through Time

The Phoenicians were renowned for their extensive trade routes, which spanned the Mediterranean and beyond. During the Late Bronze Age, they traded with powerful empires such as Egypt and Assyria, exchanging goods like wine, olive oil and precious metals.

The tale of Sinhue is an example of this type of trading activity; it tells how a Phoenician merchant sailed to Egypt in search of gold but was instead given a gift by Pharaoh Amenhotep III – a statue made from electrum.

In the Early Iron Age, the Phoenicians continued to dominate maritime trade in the Mediterranean region. Shipping journeys described in Hebrew Bible texts suggest that they had established ports along both sides of the Levantine coast by this time. They also began exploring further afield; archaeological evidence suggests that they reached Britain during this period too.

During the Punic period (c. 800-146 BC), exploratory expeditions became more frequent as traders sought out new sources of wealth and resources across Europe and North Africa.

These voyages often involved long sea crossings lasting several months or even years at a time; some ships even ventured into unknown waters off West Africa’s Atlantic coast before returning home laden with exotic goods like ivory tusks or spices from India or China.

Phoenician Trade: A Voyage

The Phoenicians were renowned for their innovative approach to trade and navigation, which enabled them to establish a vast network of settlements and colonies throughout the Mediterranean.


They developed new shipbuilding techniques that allowed them to construct vessels capable of carrying large cargoes over long distances. The most common type of vessel was the bireme, a two-level warship with two banks of oarsmen on each side; other types included triremes, quinqueremes and merchant ships.

These ships enabled the Phoenicians to explore further afield than ever before, founding trading posts in North Africa, Spain and Italy as well as ports along the Levantine coast.

As they settled in these areas they often mixed with local populations through intermarriage or cultural exchange; this helped spread their influence even further across Europe and beyond. In addition to establishing commercial networks, these settlements also served as important centres for religious worship – many temples dedicated to Baal or Astarte have been discovered at various sites around the Mediterranean region.

Phoenician Trade: A Legacy

The Phoenicians left a lasting legacy on the Mediterranean region, not only through their trading networks but also in terms of culture and agriculture.

They introduced new crops such as olives and grapes to many areas, which are now staples of the Mediterranean diet. The practice of drinking wine with meals was also popularised by the Phoenicians, who brought it from their homeland in what is now Lebanon.


Similarly, they spread the tradition of eating small plates or ‘tapas’-style dishes that have become so popular today.

Their influence extended beyond food and drink; they were responsible for introducing new technologies such as irrigation systems and crop rotation techniques that allowed them to cultivate land more efficiently than ever before.

This enabled them to produce larger quantities of goods for export, further increasing their wealth and power throughout the region. In addition to this economic impact, they also had a profound cultural effect on many parts of Europe – from language (many words used today can be traced back to Phoenician origins) to religion (the worship of Baal or Astarte). All these elements combined make up an important part of our shared heritage today – one that we owe largely to the ancient seafaring people known as the Phoenicians.

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